Saturday, July 4, 2009

IV Workshop to Introduce Reuse in Enterprises (WIRE) - Workshop Report

4th WIRE, the Workshop to Introduce Reuse in Enterprises, the right place to discuss the state of the practice and exchange experiences with the most important reuse experts from Brazil and the world as well, was held at the Hotel Atlante Plaza in Recife, Brazil, in the last June 29 and 30.

The workshop attendance joined reuse practitioners from industry and academy. This year, people from 10 states in Brazil, and from European countries (Portugal, The Netherlands and Ireland) as well, comprising a set of 17 companies and 5 universities, came to the event.

Great discussions on reuse topic were performed, in which practitioners conducted a very interesting environment to discuss such a topic. This edition, WIRE were mainly concerned about the strategic reuse adoption based on Software Product Line (SPL) aspects, with the presence of important experts in this area, John D. McGregor, from Clemson University (US), presenting the tutorial Building Reusable Testing Assets for a Software Product Line and the keynote entitled Goal-driven Product Derivation; Frank van der Linden, from Philips Research (The Netherlands), with the tutorial Software Product Line engineering, the practical aspects, and a speech on Applying open source development in product line engineering; and Eduardo Almeida, from C.E.S.A.R (Brazil), presenting the topic Software Reuse Measurement: What the Experts Think about It.

Moreover, work-in-group sessions (see a picture of this activity in the left) were performed that enabled the attendance to discuss the following questions: 1) What are the main pitfalls and challenges to the SPL adoption in your company and how they can be handled? and 2) Which changes must be implemented in the organization in order to address such issues? This effort made possible to attendance to exchange experience and ideas to be applied in order to solve still opened questions regarding SPL adoption in companies.

At the end of the event it was announced that next WIRE, the 5th edition, will be held in São Paulo - Brazil. We will be pleased to receive you in a next turn in order to make our discussion even better!

In name of the organization, I would like to say thank you for the participants, lecturers, and sponsors. See you next year at WIRE!

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